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The United States has a gifted and talented student problem: Mainly, too few of the nation’s students score high on domestic and international assessments, an...
For the policy wonks and advocates hoping for more than a passing mention of K-12 education in President Obama’s State of the Union, it was a long 59 minutes....
A community college computer-science class made up mostly of Latinos has set its sights on bringing more diversity to the technology industry. ...
Today is a federal holiday, which means offices and schools are closed in Washington, D.C., as well as many other parts of the country. But it’s not an automa...
School districts aren’t allowed to discriminate based on a student’s race, color or national origin...
A new report, produced by the Migration Policy Institute, notes that while high schools can play a significant role in aiding DACA-eligible candidates there’s...
Six law schools in California are boosting their efforts to increase diversity in the legal profession, providing financial-aid counseling, admission-test prep ...
Student participation in Mexican-American studies can be linked to better outcomes on state standardized tests and increased chances of earning a high school di...
Games might provide a better way for teachers to figure out what students know....