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Find EWA blogs about education issues and get advice on how to cover them. The blogs are written by journalists for journalists and include information from experts, fellow reporters, educators, communicators, researchers, government officials and more. Filter by categories below.

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Tips and story ideas for reporters covering mask and vaccine minefields on campus....
Get advice and ideas to localize stories that go beyond covering federal student loans....
Journalists share strategies for reporting on the chronic underfunding of Historically Black Colleges and Universities....
Journalists offer tips on tackling challenges to academic freedom while weighing facts and misinformation....
The pandemic’s effects will continue to shape future coverage, policies, and institutions....
Tips for covering state and federal policies, enrollment declines, campus challenges and more....
Generally, Academic Freedom is the concept that professors, in the pursuit of knowledge, should be free to take their inquiries wherever they deem necessary wit...
Resources to help reporters cover housing and education issues during the pandemic....
Attending hyper-politicized school board meetings in this day and age requires much preparation....